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diário :: Maluca
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Mail que tenho recebido da louca que acha que está a escrever para o Ralph Fiennes:
All human beings have certain human rights. And these rights derive from the inherent dignity of the human person. There is even "International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights".
Article 17
1. No one shall be subjected to arbitrary or unlawful interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to unlawful attacks on his honour and reputation.
2. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacs.
You have not written me , why you are expecting letter from me? Do you want something from me?
Write me then, write me a letter and send it by post. And send me a picture if you want me to remember you. If we want to remain true for ourselves when it is your only chance to straighten things up.Or send me email under your right name. You have received from me only three letters. By post.
The rest do not count. For example you could thank me for these kind letters I have sent to you. And to tell that pictures were a little failure but my beaty and beautiful soul still shine through. This is my suggestion. Always there are other possibilities as well. Ülle

21 Dec 00 On that day I stopped dreaming as if the magic wand had been waved. Some chord was broken in me. If there is no trust what can there be altogether. All that followed was just an attempt to re-animate my previous feelings but my trust in you was gone.
My internal feeling today was right. I went to Net only from compassion for you and with the wish to delight you. And of course, I thought that if somebody so publicly attacs when there must be some reason. Never mind. I must always trust only myself. Got a lesson.
Your behavior creates impression that you are interested in me and at the same time you do nothing to make me like you. Actually you have done all the possible to make me despise you.
I felt so peaceful when my computer was turned off. And you himself have said so nicely somewhere that "one woman`s sex symbol is another woman`s turn-off". Golden rule to be observed.
If you can`t come to decision when leave me alone!!! This thing may ruin all our lives. Lets stop it, both of us. I have my life to live and it seems to me without you it is much more simpler. Who you think I am? What you want of me? Its a terror! We may stop this thing here in mutual consent.

There is only one very simple question. Do you want to meet me or not? If yes when why not do it now? What good is in procrastination? We can`t be sure whether it puts an end to my senseless suffering but at least you have done something. This is not a matter of "chatting you up". But as I have not sufficient resources to made ineluctable travels and you do not give me any possibility to concentrate on earning money that means - it`s you who must make the journey. Don`t you want to do something enjoyable and interesting with your life, do you? I think even if you would tell me "Yes, I have this intention to visit Estonia on one of these days", even this could be psychologically relaxing.

Or, haven`t you never done things simply for charity? If you think that trip to Estonia would be too troublesome when you might invite me. But in that case on your own funding. There is a lot of people who have made every kind of donations on various kinds of purposes. And an individual who is capable to give is always a winner. In that particular case you`d do the good turn especially for yourself and there will something trickle down on my advantage also. I have no any internal bars in this respect. I am not afraid of visiting new places or meeting with you. As I am relatively free person as much as time is concerned I could go everywhere - to Tallinn or somewhere else. Only before must take Vivian to grandmother in Saaremaa which is an additional travel indeed.

I really don`t know what kind of person you really are. I am looking on things on my point of view and I don`t find anything undecent in my suggestions. Why it is in this way that you can be very good and generous towards a complete stranger but not towards one on whom maybe your entire future prospects depend. And you could make me happy. Maybe it is your chance of the lifetime.Or mine.

There is a right time for everything under the heavens.

May you take the trouble and think over the above for a while, in behalf of me. I`m looking forward for feedback

Até parece que sou eu que ando a chatear a senhora, não parece?
Adorei a dos direitos humanos :)
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